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- 弘海微创:脑血管健康的保卫者
北京弘海微创科技有限公司成立于 2017 年 11 月份,是一家以植/介入医疗器械研发、生产、销售于一体的创新型平台公司,聚焦于神经、外周、消化、泌尿、呼吸等植/介入领域的医疗器械研发,为医患提供完整的治疗方案。公司拥有全球独创的工艺技术,通过自主研发的设备,开发出具有卓越性能的植/介入医疗器械。
公司为国家高新技术企业、北京市专精特新中小企业、中关村高新技术企业、北京市科技型中小企业、北京市创新型中小企业,成立企业科协,北京市知识产权试点单位,国际发明专利 2 项(已授权 1 项,国际初审阶段 1 项),发明专利9 项,已取得三类医疗器械注册证书 3 张,二类注册证书 1 张。现有 2000 平方米的研发和生产基地,建有专业的研发和检测实验室。已获得国内外质量体系认证(无菌/植入质量体系、ISO13485、ISO9001),公司的生产加工平台专用于植/介入器械的加工制造,同时可为全球客户提供 ODM(原始设计制造商)服务。
Beijing Honghai Microcreate Technology Co., Ltd. was established in November 2017 as an innovative platform company integrating R&D, production, and sales of implant/interventional medical devices. It focuses on the R&D of medical devices in the fields of neural, peripheral, digestive, urinary, and respiratory implant/interventional areas to provide complete treatment solutions for patients and doctors. The company has a unique process technology globally and develops implant/interventional medical devices with outstanding performance through its own equipment.
The company is a high-tech enterprise in the country, a specialized, featured, and innovative enterprise in Beijing, a high-tech enterprise in Zhongguancun, a science and technology enterprise in Beijing, and a pilot unit for intellectual property work in Beijing. It has 2 international invention patents (one has been authorized, the other is under initial review), 9 invention patents, 3 third-class medical device registration certificates, and 1 second-class medical device registration certificate. It has a 2000-square-meter R&D and production base with professional R&D and testing laboratories. It has obtained domestic and foreign quality system certifications (sterile/implant quality system, ISO13485, ISO9001), and its production and processing platform is dedicated to the processing and manufacturing of implant/interventional devices, and can also provide ODM (original design manufacturer) services for global customers.